Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Treadmill Intervals

Duration: 40:51
In Zone: 30:34
Ave Heart Rate: 132
Max Heart Rate: 165
Calories Burned: 354
Miles: 1.8

Two rounds of easy intervals (#4)

A good workout, and Julia behaved. I put on The Birdcage and she sat patiently through it til I was done. I'll wrap it up on Thursday. I still like the original better but Robin Williams does a good "Renato."

Monday, February 27, 2006


Baby knocked off at 1:30 AM (hurray!)

2:45 AM found me tackling the same workout form before. Only I was in a much better mood, could focus, changed the weights a bit to accomodate for higher reps, and completed it in much better form.

I’m trying to become an opportunitist exerciser — grab the time whiel the going is good. Later on I’ll worry about scheduling it a bit better… when Julia’s not so unpredictable with things.

Arnold Press
1st Set (15) @ 12 lbs
2 (15) @ 12 lbs
3 (15) @ 12 lbs

Lat Raise
1 (15) @ 12 lbs
2 (15) @ 12 lbs
3 (15) @ 12 lbs

Bent Lat Raise
1 (15) 12 lbs
2 (15) @ 12 lbs
3 (15) @ 12 lbs


Do a set of one type, then immediately another set of the other type

Dumbell Incline Curl + Overhead Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 10 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 10 lbs
3 (15) 16 lbs/ 10 lbs

Hammer Curl + Bench Tricep Dip
1 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight
2 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight

Bicep Curl + Lying Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 12 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 12 lbs

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Weekend Catch Up

Friday? No exercise after work. I had a churhc meeting and social thing to do.

Today? Errands and a nap, then out on a date. Went to cruise fabric for making school some slip covers, got light weights at Sports Authority, then asian groceries.

Tomorow? Likely no exercise again. I do sunday school tomorrow, another churhc meeting, then drum circle, then home to nap and make dinner. Busy busy.

But Julia liked the little pink 1 lb weights I got for her. A supervised toy only, obviously, but a way to include her.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Weights: Shoulders, Bi's, Tri's

Anger is something I had to deal with today and it showed up in both my eating and my workout.

Last night it was MORE sleepless antics and I got fed up and sent Julia to bed. She stayed there for a while crying and then came out and I sent her back to bed. More boohooing and I got her mat and parked her on the office floor while I tried to pay bills and things while waiting for her to zonk out. My patience had run out for cuddling because she kept nursing really rough and beating the hell out of my breasts. Ugh.

I finally got to sleep myself at 7 AM, and then at 10 AM some surveryor came to measure the property. So my own sleep was disturbed. Woo. I got some patchy sleep here and there but really it wasn’t the deep REM sleep I needed.

I got grouchy with her fussing at me in the evening and because I have to be patient with her and cheerful, I had a lot of unresolved frustration and anger. I couldn’t workout, because today is weights and that makes me anxious with her around.

I took it out on food and had a binge, even when I fully aware of what I was doing and why. Later I planned the meals for tomorrow so I can stay on track.

Paul got home, I took a nap and then I tried to do weights. Paul’s kicking butt with cleaning the patio and the garage out well so we can change the patio to a playroom. Long term this resolves my workout problems, but in the short term it means he sucks at keeping her under control, she escapes his supervision and she kept running in to the living room and freaking me out. I was using the lightest weights I’ve got but even so… nobody wants to bean themselves or their child with an 8 lb dumbbell! More anger, now at my spouse.

My workout got done, which is about the only good thing that came out of it. I got no relaxation or pleasure. I was tense, holding my breath a lot, on edge with her making a racket or popping into my face unexpectedly… unable to think about good form or squeezing at the top or bottom of reps or anything. The whole focus was supposed to be higher reps and supersets and I cut it down to minimal and get it done ASAP before the kid came back with a Little People Ferris Wheel ( I hate that thing!) going, “Mommy! See! See!”

Saturday I’m going to ask Paul to take her somewhere. Or I’ll go out myself. I’m long overdue for a break from the kid.

Arnold Press
1st Set (10) @ 16 lbs
2 (10) @ 16 lbs
3 (15) @ 16 lbs

Lat Raise
1 (10) 16 lbs
2 (10) @ 16 lbs
3 (10) @ 16 lbs


Do a set of one type, then immediately another set of the other type

Dumbell Incline Curl + Overhead Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs
3 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs

Hammer Curl + Bench Tricep Dip
1 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight
2 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight

Bicep Curl + Lying Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 16 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 16 lbs

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Baby up VERY late for the last two nights and fussy in the day.

Did yoga with Julia tonight.

Not feeling great with this lack of sleep. Really irritable.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Weights: Chest, Back Abs

  • Weights: Chest, Back Abs

Slept in today and then went out to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Hadn't been there before but I played it safe and got pasta. Hard to wreck a basic vegan dish like that. It was decent. I'd consider going again if I could ever find nutrition info for it.

Came home, nursed Julia, putzed around and eventualyl got around to a weight workout.

Julia came running in from the grage where Paul was and peered in my face when I was bench pressing and said, "Mommy, do it!" And as I finished that rep I started to giggle and then really laughed when she said, "Good job, Mommy. More!"

Paul had to fetch her and get her out of the way.

Tomorrow I hope to deal with the house and clean the patio really well. Then we can put some toys there for her and when I workout I can feel sane knowing she is basically inside the screen room with nothing hazardous and I can watch her through the patio doors.

This business of her running around makes me anxious. Like I'm going to bean her in the head by mistake or something.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Easy Intervals

  • What: Treadmill walk (easy intervals)
  • Distance: n/a
  • Duration: 32:17
  • In zone: 25:06
  • Ave. Heart Rate: 131
  • Highest Heart Rate: 157
  • Calories Burned: 271

I love data. But damn if I didn't get so wrapped up in my new HRM that I forgot to check the distance on the treadmill before turning it all off. Oops.

One small interruption to empty the potty for Julia but she otherwise played well with her trains and watched Clean Sweep with me. Stayed home from work -- she's warm and coughing. I'm also coughing but feeling better.

Now off to find a snack.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Quads, Glutes, Calves + Yoga

  • What: Weights for Quads, Glutes, Calves + Yoga

Skipped cardio yesterday in favor of going ot bed early. I was pooped and feeling funky. This morning my nose started drying out so perhaps I'm at the end of this cold.

Did weights relatively well. I wanted to lsiten to Sting and Julai wanted The Monkees and we had a bit of an argumetn over it but I let her have her Monkees CD and she played nearby with her Little People almost all the way through.

I wanted to do some yoga but there she was running out of patience and kept getting on me. She also told me I was doing it wrong by shaking her head, saying "No! Mommy do it!" and demonstrating cobra pose. I didn't happen to be doing that sequence that has a cobra pose in it but she wanted it so we did it together.

Which gave me an idea to look up some Yoga Kids DVDs and get Paul to do them with her. He needs the exercise even more than Julia.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps

  • What: Shoulders, Biceps, Tricpes

Today was one of those "chi testing" days. What seemed like a zillion annoying small things with no end in sight and my having to stop, take a breath, relax, accept, and just go with the flow.

Julia's being bonkers because she's got this damn cold too and last night when I tried to get her to bed and then workout, the workout never happened. From Hell postponed.

Today I asked Paul to take her while he ate dinner since he napped and missed it earlier. I have no idea why he couldn't manage this or why he could shut the door but Julia kept running back in where I was and making me tense.

I just wanted to run through it quickly so I didn't bother setting the whole mess up -- just grabbed 8 lb and 10 lb dumbbells and ran through my list.

Instead of feeling relaxed now I feel stressed out because I had to be on guard that she wouldn't pop in behind me at some awful moment and then get thwacked in the head with a weight.

But the workout is done. Dinner for tomorrow made, so I just have to heat up after work. Salads made and boxed, most of the produce put away neatly from today's delivery, and peppers and onions already chopped up for Thursday's dinner.

If Julia will just sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning, I may have a hope at getting some house stuff done and if I do that, I don't have to feel so crazy the rest of this week.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Calories: 1893
Protein: 17.5%
Carbohydrate: 66.8%
Fat: 15.17%

Stats from the food log today. I'm happy with them, given that I had some tricky spots to navigate through. I want to get Julai bathed, breastfed, and then into bed before I hit the treadmill and possibly get tomorrow's weights out of my hair early.

I want to do it watching TV but I don't want her to watch From Hell with me.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I have a scratchy throat again. But the ankle is better. I hate it when I catch whatever is running through daycare at the moment.


Sunday school was easy today and later we went to see my parents. My #9 aunt and her family are visiting them and Paul and Julia got to meet them for the first time. I'm going to go again on Tues. to catch them one more time before they leave. My Aunt Ella also happens to be my godmother and it's been over ten years since I've seen them all.


Over the weekend I returned a book and got The PDQ (Pretty Darn Quick) Vegetarian Cookbook : 240 Healthy and Easy No-Prep Recipes for Busy Cooks by Donna Klein. I also got two others along the same lines -- fast dinners. I'm hoping it will actually BE fast and taste good because that's what I need right now in my life. Fast without succumbing to fast food/frozen food days.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Psycho day

"We" are broke. But "I" am rich! Went to the bank today to deposit Julia's birthday checks from relatives and then to transfer $200 over to myself early. Payday isn't til the 15th for Paul.

That's right.

After many years, I finally got serious about paying myself the same allowance as Paul.

So our joint checking account is lower than usual for this time of the month but mine is fatter than it has been in a long time. Slightly annoyed though because I got my preschool check when I got to school. Which means another trip to the OTHER bank to stick it in our joint account. Grrrr! I'm never done driving around doing errands!

Paul always wondered why I didn't just pay myself the same as him. I told him at the time that unless he wanted to split his with me I couldn't make it work in our budget. But he recently got a raise, so now I can without feeling guilty about not meeting other goals.

(Paul never seems to have goals financially... he's content to let me deal with it. And I have big goals, people. I want to pay the house off this year and start getting estimates to add on a bedroom!)

When I got home I called to schedule a haircut for myself tomorrow afternoon. Also booked one for Paul. I told him to seriously consider having his hair done very short to get rid of all those split ends.

Julia's been in a snit all day -- we think she's got molars coming in because she's just been this crying, whining, drooling terror.

Sometime this afternoon she looked at me and said, "Mommy cross?" and I said, "No, I'm not cross. Frustrated, but not cross yet."

But I was glad to get to preschool so she could whine at other people besides me. God. I haven't had a moment's peace to myself til now and dinner? That ended up being frozen food bcause I couldn't get a moment to cook in peace with her on my leg sobbing. I didn't cook it ahead this mornign because I slept in because she woke up not4, not 5 but 6 times screaming and crying. Ugh. It was like the newborn days only not nearly as pleasant.

Days like this I seriously think about just quitting with one child. I can't imagine having two small children attached to BOTH my legs.

Sprained foot is doing better, though slightly twingy. I think by Monday I'll be good to go so I want to take advantage of the weekend and just get on with my food. I don't even want to deal in frozen food next week.

But I know I'm going to buy a few Amy's Kitchen things anyway to have on hand in case I have another psycho day like today next week.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Massage 2

I booked a massage this morning to use up the last of my Christmas certificate. Julai went to preschool without me for a while and then I went to the clinic. A different therapist than the last time -- much stronger touch and some of it hurt, but afterward it felt really good. My neck is much looser and I had no idea that I had neck stiffness. I probably just get used to living with small pains and don't pay enough attention.

I keep thinking of the idea of "spiritual fitness." That idea is not new to yoga practice, and really it isn't to me, but this is the first time I'm really trying hard to make it work for me. Where I pay more attention to the whole me.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Checking In...

What do the palm of my hand and the bottom of my foot have in common? The fact that I've strained/sprained them somehow without knowing it. I keep wondering what it is I did Monday at school to make them be this way. Hurts! :(

Gretchen came over with her kids to play/talk yesterday. I really enjoyed their visit. Julia had a ball fooling around and I actually got a chance to talk to a mom. When moms meet at playgrounds, you have to keep one eye on the kid so you really don't get the chance to connect. When it's at home, even though we're still supervising it is a bit more relaxed and we can actually get a word in edgewise.

Tomorrow I have a massage appointment and then I want to try to get my haircut next.

Need to deal with groceries and focus on food

Monday, February 06, 2006

Missed 2, Massage 1

Missed two workouts last week because I got caught up in Julia's party stuff. That's right. My girl is 2. Where is the time going?!

The family party was low key and mostly ok. The highlight for me was that my SIL brought her massage table and I got my first massage from her -- with hot rocks even. She told me my upper back was a little tense but really not bad and that my hips were tight, esp the right. Likely from carrying so many babies. And I learned that lower back pain (which I've had a lot of lately) is almost always stemming from tight hips.

I know I've been skimping on yoga in my struggle to just get cardio/weights in and the reality is that I'll probably keep skimping on it because the other two are more important to me right now. But I'm going to try to do it once a week.

Hurting hips is no good.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Upper weights

  • What: Upper body weights

Up late, so I took it as a chance to get upper body weights out of the way. I have a long day tomorrow -- school and then Whole Foods, and then party food for the weekend.

But I always love how meditative weights can be. Relaxing. So I don't mind doing that before bed like I mind cardio. Cardio gets me all wound up so really it's better in the morning.


Distance: 1 miles
Duration: 20 min
Speed: 3 mph

Skipped workout yesterday -- Julia's b-day. I can't believe she's 2! Spent it at my parents and mom tried to make her a little vegan apple cake. Mom tries hard -- I don't give her enough credit for that some times.

Today Julia woke up during my walk this morning and I had to stop to nurse her back down. Then Liz called from work to see if I can come in early today because she's very sick and needs to go home.

So now I'm rushing around trying to get ready to scoot so I'm not sure if I'll try that walk again later today.