Anger is something I had to deal with today and it showed up in both my eating and my workout.
Last night it was MORE sleepless antics and I got fed up and sent Julia to bed. She stayed there for a while crying and then came out and I sent her back to bed. More boohooing and I got her mat and parked her on the office floor while I tried to pay bills and things while waiting for her to zonk out. My patience had run out for cuddling because she kept nursing really rough and beating the hell out of my breasts. Ugh.
I finally got to sleep myself at 7 AM, and then at 10 AM some surveryor came to measure the property. So my own sleep was disturbed. Woo. I got some patchy sleep here and there but really it wasn’t the deep REM sleep I needed.
I got grouchy with her fussing at me in the evening and because I have to be patient with her and cheerful, I had a lot of unresolved frustration and anger. I couldn’t workout, because today is weights and that makes me anxious with her around.
I took it out on food and had a binge, even when I fully aware of what I was doing and why. Later I planned the meals for tomorrow so I can stay on track.
Paul got home, I took a nap and then I tried to do weights. Paul’s kicking butt with cleaning the patio and the garage out well so we can change the patio to a playroom. Long term this resolves my workout problems, but in the short term it means he sucks at keeping her under control, she escapes his supervision and she kept running in to the living room and freaking me out. I was using the lightest weights I’ve got but even so… nobody wants to bean themselves or their child with an 8 lb dumbbell! More anger, now at my spouse.
My workout got done, which is about the only good thing that came out of it. I got no relaxation or pleasure. I was tense, holding my breath a lot, on edge with her making a racket or popping into my face unexpectedly… unable to think about good form or squeezing at the top or bottom of reps or anything. The whole focus was supposed to be higher reps and supersets and I cut it down to minimal and get it done ASAP before the kid came back with a Little People Ferris Wheel ( I hate that thing!) going, “Mommy! See! See!”
Saturday I’m going to ask Paul to take her somewhere. Or I’ll go out myself. I’m long overdue for a break from the kid.
Arnold Press
1st Set (10) @ 16 lbs
2 (10) @ 16 lbs
3 (15) @ 16 lbs
Lat Raise
1 (10) 16 lbs
2 (10) @ 16 lbs
3 (10) @ 16 lbs
Do a set of one type, then immediately another set of the other type
Dumbell Incline Curl + Overhead Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs
3 (15) 16 lbs/ 8 lbs
Hammer Curl + Bench Tricep Dip
1 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight
2 (15) 16 lbs/ body weight
Bicep Curl + Lying Tricep Ext.
1 (15) 16 lbs/ 16 lbs
2 (15) 16 lbs/ 16 lbs