Friday, February 10, 2006

Psycho day

"We" are broke. But "I" am rich! Went to the bank today to deposit Julia's birthday checks from relatives and then to transfer $200 over to myself early. Payday isn't til the 15th for Paul.

That's right.

After many years, I finally got serious about paying myself the same allowance as Paul.

So our joint checking account is lower than usual for this time of the month but mine is fatter than it has been in a long time. Slightly annoyed though because I got my preschool check when I got to school. Which means another trip to the OTHER bank to stick it in our joint account. Grrrr! I'm never done driving around doing errands!

Paul always wondered why I didn't just pay myself the same as him. I told him at the time that unless he wanted to split his with me I couldn't make it work in our budget. But he recently got a raise, so now I can without feeling guilty about not meeting other goals.

(Paul never seems to have goals financially... he's content to let me deal with it. And I have big goals, people. I want to pay the house off this year and start getting estimates to add on a bedroom!)

When I got home I called to schedule a haircut for myself tomorrow afternoon. Also booked one for Paul. I told him to seriously consider having his hair done very short to get rid of all those split ends.

Julia's been in a snit all day -- we think she's got molars coming in because she's just been this crying, whining, drooling terror.

Sometime this afternoon she looked at me and said, "Mommy cross?" and I said, "No, I'm not cross. Frustrated, but not cross yet."

But I was glad to get to preschool so she could whine at other people besides me. God. I haven't had a moment's peace to myself til now and dinner? That ended up being frozen food bcause I couldn't get a moment to cook in peace with her on my leg sobbing. I didn't cook it ahead this mornign because I slept in because she woke up not4, not 5 but 6 times screaming and crying. Ugh. It was like the newborn days only not nearly as pleasant.

Days like this I seriously think about just quitting with one child. I can't imagine having two small children attached to BOTH my legs.

Sprained foot is doing better, though slightly twingy. I think by Monday I'll be good to go so I want to take advantage of the weekend and just get on with my food. I don't even want to deal in frozen food next week.

But I know I'm going to buy a few Amy's Kitchen things anyway to have on hand in case I have another psycho day like today next week.


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