Yesterday I spent a lot of time cooking things. I'm feeling better -- down to a snorky nose and the occassional cough but my chest isn't tight. The cramps let up too and I'm almost done with my period. (6 mos anniversary -- cycle average is 34 days apart. Go me!)
Made Julia some jam tarts from a new recipe, which she did not like. Don't blame her. I didn't much like them either. Too sweet.
Then I made homemade seitan which looked like boiling brains.

This is my first attempt at making it from vital gluten flour. The other two times I made it from regular flour and had to do all that colandar rinsing business. I'm getting better at this process, but I still am not sure these will result in anything beyond just "That was interesting. At least it is edible." It wasn't til after, cooled, chopped, and in the marinade that I found a glob in the sink and realized... oops. Forgot to rinse gluten before boiling!
Then I made the components of my lunch.
While sick, I was eating a lot of toast and then Paul fetched me some Amy's Kitchen frozen meals. Some vegan, some not. I have to teach him to check for "Ingredients:(vegan)" on the back of the boxes. Anyway, one of them is called "Tofu Rancheros."

It's cottage fries, black beans then scrambeled tofu with sals and cheese sitting on a corn tortilla.
I didn't have any corn tortilla, but I decided to go with it. So my version has sliced strawberries, cottage fries (potato, green bell pepper and red onion season with paprika, salt and pepper), scrambeled tofu (seasoned with tumeric, cumin, and pepper but salsa not shown), and black beans with tomatoes in balsamic. There's a "wall" of romaine between the tofu and beans.

Today we're puttering around the house. I want to get things in order post illness and wash the bedding and all that stuff. Then try to get back to normal on Monday.
Though I did tell Paul I was pregnant and he did a double take until he realized it was April Fool's and I was kidding. Hee hee. He's such an easy target. Even though yesterday he heard me and Julia arguing over who was going to get to wear the pad I'd taken out (I get NO bathroom privacy!) I still had him going for a second.