Chest, Back, Abs
Very busy... cooking last night yields this for lunch:
It's my turn to bring lunch to work. About 85% organic. Going across it is... tomato and cucumber slcies doused in seasoned rice vinegar and green onion garnish. Next is curried potatoes with peas, carrots and raisins topped with crushed cashews. Sliced kiwi and under that is fruited whole wheat couscous

Tried to get this done late night/early this morning after cooking but Julia was fussing so I had to hang it up and put her to sleep again. I went to bed myself and ended up wrapping the workout up after lunch during her nap.
Incline Press
4 (10) @ 50 lbs
Bench Press
3 (10) 50 lbs
Incline Fly
3 (10) @ 30 lbs
Lat Pulldown
4 (10) 90 lbs
Dumbbell Row
3 (10) 10 lbs
Cable Lying Pullover
3(10) @ 40 lbs
Weighted Abs
3 (20) 60 lbs
Crunches on Floor
3 (10) no weights
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