Monday, March 27, 2006


Feel terrible. Hot. Threw up. Julia was bothering me being all wiggly and squiggly and when she invaded my sick space on the couch one time too many by crowding me with toys she wanted me to hold I said, "Julia. NO. On the floor." very firmly and she burst into tears and went to lay down on the rug.

I asked her if she was ok and she said, "No."

"Do you want me to hold you?"

"No, Mommy."

And she just lay there feeling bad.

I felt bad too, but what can you do? I'm feverish and sick and I don't want to lie under a mound of play food, Lego, and pop beads.

Later she brought me a wadded up Kleenex and applied it to my head. "Mommy, ice. Feel better?"

That made me laugh. I don't think she understands being sick. She only knows when things hurt from falling down and since she usually asks for ice to put on whatever it it she banged up, I suppose she thought applying ice would fix me.


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