Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tired but good

My family naps. I wish I had leftovers to eat. The maple glazed tofu turned out really nice with the mustard greens and rice.

The massage? I took Julia to school early and then after tidying up a little bit I popped over to my appointment a little more than a block away. I really would like to take some yoga there, but my schedule is still not settled so I need to think about it still.

My therapist was a new one to me -- Jennifer. She was very pleasant and I enjoyed the whole experience. I told her I didn't like lavender and that I felt tense and just wanted silence. I didn't feel any particular bad spots, but if she discovered anything to let me know because at preschool I could be doing all kinds of things with wonky posture.

Last time I had a lower back ache which turned out to be tense hips likely from hip carrying babies around so I quit carrying them that way. So no hip problems this time.

But apparantly I had some shoulder problems. She got it all worked out with some deep tissue mssage in those areas. It wasn't the top-neck part like it would be if it was desk strain. It was lower shoulder blades and I'm trying to figure out what I've been doing to bother them. I do remember feeling annoyed with my bras and thinking it must be nursing boob stuff, but it turnd out to be annoying shoulder stuff.

It was a great massage and I felt a lot better. I really have to think about making massage appointments more often for both of us and working it into the budget. I'd much rather think about preventative care than have it go on indefinitely.

I really had no idea I was hurting until the hurt was gone. But living with low grade hurt and waiting for it to become high grade hurt so's you notice it and go see a doctor about it -- such a waste of time. And who wants chronic pain? wait too long and you could be looking at permanent injury too.

The whole time I was being massaged I kept trying to think about the part of me that was being worked on. To really focus and be in my body; be present in the moment. It's harder than you'd expect.

I went to school after that and we were having a slow day. A lot of absent kids. I didn't feel like super cleaning once the kids were gone so I did basics and left because I was only going to be back today.

Today we got up and went to church and while Julia and Paul played in the sprinkler and washed all the Fisher Price "little people" toys, I scrubbed out 5 classroom floors and directed other volunteers to cleaning windows, cabinets, and so on. Across the courtyard there were more people moving furniture and rearranging things so we can start the new school year with clean classrooms. Paul and I still have two other shelves of toys to scrub before we're totally done.

We came home disgusting and took showers and now they're napping and I'm up still.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

14 hrs to go

14 hrs to go to my massage appointment. One hour of bliss awaits. I soooo need it.

Most weekends have been really busy lately so I haven't had any down time. It will be a few more weekends yet before I get a break on Saturdays because church RE is getting the school year ready to kick off. At least I only have one more week working afternoons at preschool. Then I can just do mornings and have some afternoons for ME.

Julia's also being really clingy and it annoys me. With the heat, the last thing I want is her on me when she's not nursing because I get hot. I dislike the other kids at preschool doing that too. I don't want to be mean about it, but sticky little bodies clamoring all over me is NOT my idea of having a good time. It would be different if there was a need... someone upset, needing attention, etc. But they just want to sit on me to sit. Julia's retaliating by trying to sit on me more than anyone else because I'm HER mom.

Even when waiting at the pool for her swim lesson to start... miles of benches, lots of open floor and she wants to sit on my right foot.

Paul and I haven't had much couple time either -- he's really busy with work and then there's the crazy weekends.

Went to my WW meeting. I'm still not sure how I feel about this group of people. Nice enough, but not a whole hck of a lot in common yet with anyone. Though I'm -1.6 lbs since last week. Maybe that's enough. To work it to break my palteau? And who gives a hoot if I make any new friends there or not?

The lab work went ok -- now I'm just waiting for results. My temps are still way low. high 96 - low 97 is NOT normal temp for me. My feel feet cold a lot.

I suppose it's just as well that all the children want to sit on my feet then.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


No, I don't know where she is. Hopefully Mojodiva is doing ok and is simply in the middle of a blog redesign too.

Things here are ... here.

I have a dr appt this afternoon for labwork. Ugh.

I had a horrible day yesterday. TOTALLY wiped out by the time I came home from baby swim class, and really irritable that I had to keep going and make dinner instea dof take a nap. Ridiculous that a Saturday away makes me whole week all crazy, but that is my fault for not planning enough meals ahead and freezing. Thankfully though, Paul had some beef stew freezer stash to dig into so it was just cooking my stuff.

The hoisin eggplant recipe got embellished with red peppers and water chestnuts and I packed up leftovers for my dinner tonight.

Last night of running the workshop -- hooray! Then after that I have a heavy week covering for L. who will be on vacation, and THEN I can start the new schedule with less hours. Thank heavens!

I started looking at spa prices. I hurt all over. Ugh.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Fitday and eggplant

What: treadmill, program 4
Duration: 20 min
Distance: 0.9 miles

Quick treadmill walk this morning while Julia slept on.

Amy, I use FitdayPC and switched over from Fitday online when it came out. It's got more features, but still not everything I'd like. Even so, it's the best of the bunch that I've come across. And once I get to a point where most of my custom foods and recipes are inputted, I *hate* to change! So much typing!

Laundry's about wrapped up and I'm waiting for Julia to get up so we can lunch.

I want to go get eggplant from the asian grocery and a few other things. I was craving eggplant with garlic sauce. There are a few different recipes online for it that I am considering.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I was looking at holiday 5k's that might be out there and noticed that the Disney Half is still got some slots open. Sigh. Tempting, but no. I don't have the time for that much training.

Today at work L. asked me how I was doing on points and I said it was fine and I hadn't really noticed much of a change since it's only been what? 4 days now?

She said she feels crazy.

I pointed out that I get a lot more points as a nursing mom, and I'm not changing anything really other than tracking points at this point.

L. on the other hand, is a week ahead of me, on less points AND she's trying to go vegetarian whole foods AND her previous way of eating was nonvegetarian fast food/frozen food heavy.

The only thing I've noticed WW points is doing for me right now is increased fiber. I've gone from averaging 30 g a day to 40 g a day.

We were gone over the weekend visiting my MIL so I have a lot of hosuework piled up for me. Busy day tomorrow catching up so I'm going to sack out.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Catching Up

A whirlwind catch-up post since I'm about to throw dinner together and deal with my crazy chlorine hair.

We are well and over the cold, although the cold is going through preschool and another child brought in pink-eye. Ack. I'm going to have to guard against that.

Class tonight... Julia can swim! A little less than two yards from me to the teacher or from me to the wall. Past that she can no longer hold her breath and she doesn't yet know how to come up for air. But she kicks and propels herself along and tries to do something about her arms. Mostly kicks though. Getting her to move her arms and legs in sync is going to be interesting. I'm excited about showing Paul what Julia's up to at the pool these days.

Julia is in panties out and about now. She'd been in them at home for a long time and then trainers/fitteds out and about. We've been having a lot of arguments lately about wearing waterproof training pants or panties and the compromise had been to put them on top of the panties and go.

Only it's no longer satisfying her and she wants only the Hello Kitty panties so after talking with Paul we decided to just hang up the trainers except for bed time. She usually wakes up dry but every once in a blue moon we have a problem so... it's more ME than her who isn't ready to let that one go because we continue to nurse/cosleep and I don't want to wake to pee on me.

I went to a WW meeting today. My friend/boss rejoined and she wanted company. So I said I'd go. It was about what I expected, and I think I was the only veg*n person in the room. But I agreed to do it for a while. We'll see how that goes.

I got "Raw Food" from the library and I'm trying to decide what recipe I'll try out over the weekend.

Child is on my leg complaining that she wants to play a game... so I'm off.

Amy, post the panaang sauce when you give it a whirl. Sounds delish!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Taking the week off work. Sick. Threw up. Congested. Ugh.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Vegan Meal plans

I ran out of food. By that I mean I ran out of already-prepared food boxed up to eat in the fridge. So today I'm having a sandwich theme day because I won't get to cook anything ahead to box up until tomorrow.

I want something delicious to eat but I don't know what that is yet.

So I'm poking around in cookbooks and online for something new to make that strikes my fancy.

And I came across a few vegan meal plans.

I see this sort of stuff around all the time, but not vegan.

So it's a nice change.

So's raw eye candy... mmmm!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Long Day

  • What: Lower Body weights

Can't write much. Today is my long day and I still have a lot to do before we go to school.

Got weights out of the way this morning while Julia was asleep. Going to try to get dinner made ahead while she's still zonked out.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

  • What: Shoulder's, Bi's, Tri's & 1 mile walk

Got weights done in the morning and then a short walk in the evening yesterday. I'm looking at a short walk this evening if we don't go do something as a family this afternoon. We're trying to wait out the rain before we decide what we want to do.

I just took my Glucophage and had it with my lunch: 1 cup cherries, 1 cup millet and swiss chard polenta with sun dried tomato pesto, 2 cups lettuce and tomato with goddess dressing.

If the weather clears up I think we might take Julia to the pool. There's no swim lessons this week because of the holiday and then I've switched her to evening class so I don't know if we'll be taking pictures at the end of those lessons because I don't know who teaches them. Mr. V. does pictures in his morning class and I got the ones from Julia's 1st session scanned in.

In the first one, I had to count to three and then dip her in.

In the second one, I had to count ot three and sort of "swoop" her through the water so she'd get used to gliding along.

Looks like the rain is gone -- and we're off!