Tired but good

The massage? I took Julia to school early and then after tidying up a little bit I popped over to my appointment a little more than a block away. I really would like to take some yoga there, but my schedule is still not settled so I need to think about it still.
My therapist was a new one to me -- Jennifer. She was very pleasant and I enjoyed the whole experience. I told her I didn't like lavender and that I felt tense and just wanted silence. I didn't feel any particular bad spots, but if she discovered anything to let me know because at preschool I could be doing all kinds of things with wonky posture.
Last time I had a lower back ache which turned out to be tense hips likely from hip carrying babies around so I quit carrying them that way. So no hip problems this time.
But apparantly I had some shoulder problems. She got it all worked out with some deep tissue mssage in those areas. It wasn't the top-neck part like it would be if it was desk strain. It was lower shoulder blades and I'm trying to figure out what I've been doing to bother them. I do remember feeling annoyed with my bras and thinking it must be nursing boob stuff, but it turnd out to be annoying shoulder stuff.
It was a great massage and I felt a lot better. I really have to think about making massage appointments more often for both of us and working it into the budget. I'd much rather think about preventative care than have it go on indefinitely.
I really had no idea I was hurting until the hurt was gone. But living with low grade hurt and waiting for it to become high grade hurt so's you notice it and go see a doctor about it -- such a waste of time. And who wants chronic pain? wait too long and you could be looking at permanent injury too.
The whole time I was being massaged I kept trying to think about the part of me that was being worked on. To really focus and be in my body; be present in the moment. It's harder than you'd expect.
I went to school after that and we were having a slow day. A lot of absent kids. I didn't feel like super cleaning once the kids were gone so I did basics and left because I was only going to be back today.
Today we got up and went to church and while Julia and Paul played in the sprinkler and washed all the Fisher Price "little people" toys, I scrubbed out 5 classroom floors and directed other volunteers to cleaning windows, cabinets, and so on. Across the courtyard there were more people moving furniture and rearranging things so we can start the new school year with clean classrooms. Paul and I still have two other shelves of toys to scrub before we're totally done.
We came home disgusting and took showers and now they're napping and I'm up still.