Thursday, July 20, 2006

Catching Up

A whirlwind catch-up post since I'm about to throw dinner together and deal with my crazy chlorine hair.

We are well and over the cold, although the cold is going through preschool and another child brought in pink-eye. Ack. I'm going to have to guard against that.

Class tonight... Julia can swim! A little less than two yards from me to the teacher or from me to the wall. Past that she can no longer hold her breath and she doesn't yet know how to come up for air. But she kicks and propels herself along and tries to do something about her arms. Mostly kicks though. Getting her to move her arms and legs in sync is going to be interesting. I'm excited about showing Paul what Julia's up to at the pool these days.

Julia is in panties out and about now. She'd been in them at home for a long time and then trainers/fitteds out and about. We've been having a lot of arguments lately about wearing waterproof training pants or panties and the compromise had been to put them on top of the panties and go.

Only it's no longer satisfying her and she wants only the Hello Kitty panties so after talking with Paul we decided to just hang up the trainers except for bed time. She usually wakes up dry but every once in a blue moon we have a problem so... it's more ME than her who isn't ready to let that one go because we continue to nurse/cosleep and I don't want to wake to pee on me.

I went to a WW meeting today. My friend/boss rejoined and she wanted company. So I said I'd go. It was about what I expected, and I think I was the only veg*n person in the room. But I agreed to do it for a while. We'll see how that goes.

I got "Raw Food" from the library and I'm trying to decide what recipe I'll try out over the weekend.

Child is on my leg complaining that she wants to play a game... so I'm off.

Amy, post the panaang sauce when you give it a whirl. Sounds delish!


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