Monday, August 14, 2006

Where do the hours go?

One thing I have always noticed about diet and exercise is that if one is going great, the other is in the toilet. I wonder if this is just a time management issue.

I don't think it is.

Over here, I have the same trouble getting enough sleep, looking after the child, juggling my PT job with the kiddies, cooking for the family and all that entails, maintaining the house, exercising regularly. In order of priority.

Many jobs, just one person.

Oh, and I forgot serving on a church commitee and meeting family obligations so the child visits the grandparents and keeping tabs on the playgroup website.

I'm fairly organized in my brain, but it doesn't change the fact that there are only 24 hrs in a day and it's fine an dandy to know what needs doing when, I only have two arms with which to execute these things.

Doing things like eating out less is better for all of us... in one way. It's not so great for me because I am the household cook. Which means if we don't eat out, I don't get a break. There are periods in time where I get burnt out on cooking and making meals.

Paul's good about pitching in with the kid, but he's not stellar at pitching in with the house. He's got a different standard of clean than I do and tolerates a lot more mess than I do.

Anyway.. off the pack lunches and get to work... so I'll have to write more later.


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