Monday, January 02, 2006

First walk

  • Distance: 2 miles on treadmill
  • Speed: 3.0 MPH
  • Time: 40 min

First walk of the new year. At home on the treadmill and relatively easy other than when Julia escaped Paul's supervision and tried to get on it with me while I was still walking. She fell but fortunately only her pride was injured.

I've been giving a lot of thought to goals for 2006 in regards to family needs -- more time together, pay off the house, save 20%, and so on. As far as personal goals, I have this vague sense of "get ready to TTC #2 if we're really going to do it!" but no actual detailed map for how to get there over the coarse of the year.

I'm still feeling burnt out by holidays and I've put a lot of energy into setting up the budget and files for 2006 and getting ready to deal with the taxes for 2005.

So I'm winging it for now til I get other areas settled. I don't care what I do, what distance, or what speed.

I just want to do something, anything, physical 30 min, 5x a week.


Blogger Wendy said...

Wow paying off your house! Way to go! We just bought ours, so we'll be paying for a while....

10:54 AM  

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